
(9) Such other costs as the Agency determine to be incidental to the purchase.


(3) Loan origination or assumption fees that do not represent prepaid interest.


(2) The payment shall be based on the remaining term of the mortgage(s) on the displacement dwelling or the term of the new mortgage, whichever is shorter.


(i) For a tenant, the date he or she moves from the displacement dwelling; or


24.402  Replacement housing payment for 90-day occupants.


(f) Rental assistance payment for 180-day homeowner. A 180-day homeowner-occupant, who could be eligible for a replacement housing payment under paragraph (a) of this section but elects to rent a replacement dwelling, is eligible for a rental assistance payment. The amount of the rental assistance payment is based on a determination of market rent for the acquired dwelling compared to a comparable rental dwelling available on the market. The difference, if any, is computed in accordance with § 24.402(b)(1), except that the limit of $5,250 does not apply, and disbursed in accordance with § 24.402(b)(3). Under no circumstances would the rental assistance payment exceed the amount that could have been received under § 24.401(b)(1) had the 180-day homeowner elected to…


(8) State revenue or documentary stamps, sales or transfer taxes (not to exceed the costs for a comparable replacement dwelling).