
(c) The Agency acquires the mobile home and/or mobile home site, or the mobile home is not acquired by the Agency but the Agency determines that the occupant is displaced from the mobile home because of one of the circumstances described at § 24.502(a)(3).


24.602  Certification application. An Agency wishing to proceed on the basis of a certification may request an application for certification from the Lead Agency Director, Office of Real Estate Services, HEPR-1, Federal Highway Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590. The completed application for certification must be approved by the governor of the State, or the governor’s designee, and must be coordinated with the Federal funding Agency, in accordance with application procedures. [70 FR 611, Jan. 4, 2005, as amended at 73 FR 33329, June 12, 2008]


(1) If the Agency acquires the mobile home as real estate and/or acquires the owned site, the acquisition cost used to compute the price differential payment is the actual amount paid to the owner as just compensation for the acquisition of the mobile home, and/or site, if owned by the displaced mobile homeowner.


(c) A Federal Agency may, after consultation with the Lead Agency, and notice to and consultation with the governor, or his or her designee, rescind any previous approval provided under this subpart if the certifying State Agency fails to comply with its certification or with applicable State law and regulations. The Federal Agency shall initiate consultation with the Lead Agency at least 30 days prior to any decision to rescind approval of a certification under this subpart. The Lead Agency will also inform other Federal Agencies, which have accepted a certification under this subpart from the same State Agency, and will take whatever other action that may be appropriate.


(iv) Cannot be relocated because it does not meet mobile home park entrance requirements.


(a) The Federal Lead Agency shall, in coordination with other Federal Agencies, monitor from time to time State Agency implementation of programs or projects conducted under the certification process and the State Agency shall make available any information required for this purpose.


(2) If the Agency does not purchase the mobile home as real estate but the owner is determined to be displaced from the mobile home and eligible for a replacement housing payment based on paragraph (a)(1)(iii) of this section, the eligible price differential payment for the purchase of a comparable replacement mobile home, is the lesser of the displaced mobile homeowner’s net cost to purchase a replacement mobile home (i.e., purchase price of the replacement mobile home less trade-in or sale proceeds of the displacement mobile home); or, the cost of the Agency’s selected comparable mobile home less the Agency’s estimate of the salvage or trade-in value for the mobile home from which the person is displaced.


(b) The person meets the other basic eligibility requirements at § 24.402(a); and


(b) The Lead Agency may require periodic information or data from affected Federal or State Agencies.


(3) If a comparable replacement mobile home site is not available, the price differential payment shall be computed on the basis of the reasonable cost of a conventional comparable replacement dwelling.