
(i) Determine, for nonresidential (businesses, farm and nonprofit organizations) displacements, the relocation needs and preferences of each business (farm and nonprofit organization) to be displaced and explain the relocation payments and other assistance for which the business may be eligible, the related eligibility requirements, and the procedures for obtaining such assistance. This shall include a personal interview with each business. At a minimum, interviews with displaced business owners and operators should include the following items:

  • 24.205(c)(2)(i)(A) The business's replacement site requirements, current lease terms and other ...
  • 24.205(c)(2)(i)(B) Determination of the need for outside specialists in accordance with § 24...
  • 24.205(c)(2)(i)(C) For businesses, an identification and resolution of personalty/realty issues...
  • 24.205(c)(2)(i)(D) An estimate of the time required for the business to vacate the site....
  • 24.205(c)(2)(i)(E) An estimate of the anticipated difficulty in locating a replacement property...
  • 24.205(c)(2)(i)(F) An identification of any advance relocation payments required for the move, ...