
(1) Agency. The term Agency means the Federal Agency, State, State Agency, or person that acquires real property or displaces a person.

(i) Acquiring Agency. The term acquiring Agency means a State Agency, as defined in paragraph (a)(1)(iv) of this section, which has the authority to acquire property by eminent domain under State law, and a State Agency or person which does not have such authority.

(ii) Displacing Agency. The term displacing Agency means any Federal Agency carrying out a program or project, and any State, State Agency, or person carrying out a program or project with Federal financial assistance, which causes a person to be a displaced person.

(iii) Federal Agency. The term Federal Agency means any department, Agency, or instrumentality in the executive branch of the government, any wholly owned government corporation, the Architect of the Capitol, the Federal Reserve Banks and branches thereof, and any person who has the authority to acquire property by eminent domain under Federal law.

(iv) State Agency. The term State Agency means any department, Agency or instrumentality of a State or of a political subdivision of a State, any department, Agency, or instrumentality of two or more States or of two or more political subdivisions of a State or States, and any person who has the authority to acquire property by eminent domain under State law.

  • 24.2(a)(1)(i) Acquiring Agency. The term acquiring Agency means a State Agency, as defined...
  • 24.2(a)(1)(ii) Displacing Agency. The term displacing Agency means any Federal Agency car...
  • 24.2(a)(1)(iii) Federal Agency. The term Federal Agency means any department, Agency, or ...
  • 24.2(a)(1)(iv) State Agency. The term State Agency means any department, Agency or instru...