24.00 A-General
Subpart A-General
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For quick reference, the major sections are listed below:
The purpose of this part is to promulgate rules to implement the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, as amended (42 U.S.C. 4601 et seq.) (Uniform Act), in accordance with the following objectives:
No person shall receive any payment under this part if that person receives a payment under Federal, State, local law, or insurance proceeds which is determined by the Agency to have the same purpose and effect as such payment under this part. (See appendix A, § 24.3).
Each notice which the Agency is required to provide to a property owner or occupant under this part, except the notice described at § 24.102(b), shall be personally served or sent by certified or registered first-class mail, return receipt requested, and documented in Agency files. Each notice shall be written in plain, understandable language. Persons who are unable to read and understand the notice must be provided with appropriate translation and counseling. Each notice shall indicate the name and telephone number of a person who may be contacted for answers to questions or other needed help.
Whenever two or more Federal Agencies provide financial assistance to an Agency or Agencies, other than a Federal Agency, to carry out functionally or geographically related activities, which will result in the acquisition of property or the displacement of a person, the Federal Agencies may by agreement designate one such Agency as the cognizant Federal Agency. In the unlikely event that agreement among the Agencies cannot be reached as to which Agency shall be the cognizant Federal Agency, then the Lead Agency shall designate one of such Agencies to assume the cognizant role. At a minimum, the agreement shall set forth the federally-assisted activities which are subject to its terms and cite any policies and procedures, in addition to this part, that are applicable to the activities under the agreement. Under the agreement, the cognizant Federal Agency shall assure that the project is in compliance with the provisions of the Uniform Act and this part. All federally-assisted activities under the agreement shall be deemed a project for the purposes of this part.
The Federal Agency funding the project may waive any requirement in this part not required by law if it determines that the waiver does not reduce any assistance or protection provided to an owner or displaced person under this part. Any request for a waiver shall be justified on a case-by-case basis.
The implementation of this part must be in compliance with other applicable Federal laws and implementing regulations, including, but not limited to, the following: