Washington State

Eminent Domain Business Relocation Washington State Relocation Benefits (abbreviated)

Current as of: November 2022

236.8 Relocation Assistance Program – Engineering_Policy_Guide (modot.org)


Fixed Payment: $1,000 to $40,000

Based on two years’ average annual net earnings (no additional relocation benefits are available)


Moving Costs (only one monetary capped item):

1. Transportation of personal property
2. Packing, crating, unpacking, uncrating of personal property
3. Disconnecting, dismantling, removing, reassembling, and reinstalling equipment, machinery, and other personal property
4. Storage of personal property up to 12 months (pre-approval required)
5. Insurance for the replacement value of personal property during the move and necessary storage
6. Any license, permit, or certification required at the replacement site, which the business had at the displacement location
7. Replacement value of property lost, stolen, or damaged during the move
8. Professional services for planning, moving, and reinstalling the personal property
9. Re-lettering signs and replacing printed materials, notification of the move
10. Actual direct loss of tangible personal property (special conditions and formulas apply)
11. Reasonable cost incurred trying to sell an item that is not to be relocated
12. Purchase of substitute personal property (special conditions and formulas apply)
13. Searching for a replacement location (Maximum $2,500)
14. Costs to secure professional move bids
15. Low Value/High Bulk
16. Other moving-related expenses that are not listed as ineligible


Reestablishment Costs (capped at $25,000):

1. Repairs or improvements to the replacement property as required by law or code
2. Modification to the replacement property to enable the business to operate
3. Construction and installation of new signage to advertise the business
4. Redecoration or replacement of soiled or worn surfaces such as carpeting, paint, paneling
5. Advertisement of the replacement location
6. Increased cost of operations for two years
7. Other items considered essential to the reestablishment of the business


Related Eligible Expenses (no cap):

1. Connection to available utilities from the right-of-way to the improvements at the replacement site
2. Professional services performed to determine the suitability of a replacement site for the business
3. Impact fees or one-time assessments for anticipated heavy utility usage

*This is an abbreviated list provided for reference only. Additional limitations and qualifications will apply.


WA State Relocation Guidelines abbreviated Nov 2022