Missouri DOT Relocation Guidelines
Missouri DOT Relocation Regulations (abbreviated) Current as of: January 2023 236.8 Relocation Assistance Program – Engineering_Policy_Guide (modot.org) Choose: Fixed Payment: $1,000 to $40,000 Based on two years’ average annual net earnings (no additional relocation benefits are available) OR; Moving Costs (only one monetary capped item): 1. Transportation of personal property 2. Packing, crating, unpacking, uncrating of personal property 3. Disconnecting, dismantling, removing, reassembling, and reinstalling equipment, machinery, and other personal property 4. Storage of personal property up to 12 months (pre-approval required) 5. Insurance for the replacement value of personal property during the move and necessary storage 6. Any license, permit, or certification required at the replacement site, which the business had at the displacement location 7. Replacement value of…