Section Site. Describe the present use, accessibility and road frontage, land contours and elevations, soils, vegetation (including timber), views, land area, land shape, utilities, mineral deposits, water rights associated with the property, and relevant easements, etc. A statement must be made concerning the existence or nonexistence of commercially valuable mineral deposits.
Also discuss the beneficial and detrimental factors inherent in the location of the property.120 The presence of hazardous substances should be addressed in accordance with Sections of these Standards. An affirmative statement is required if the property is located within a flood hazard area.121
120 Beneficial factors may include such items as desirable views, proximity to desirable public or cultural facilities, or proximity to dedicated open space or greenbelts. Detrimental factors may include such items as offensive odors, undesirable land uses, contamination, and noxious weeds. Farm properties can be especially impacted by environmental factors such as noxious weeds, frost, incidence of hail, floods and droughts, and variations in crop yields. Appraisers should list and describe those beneficial and detrimental factors that may impact the utility and value of the land.
121 For this purpose, appraisers should refer to Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) flood hazard maps.