
(a) Relocation planning. During the early stages of development, an Agency shall plan Federal and federally-assisted programs or projects in such a manner that recognizes the problems associated with the displacement of individuals, families, businesses, farms, and nonprofit organizations and develop solutions to minimize the adverse impacts of displacement. Such planning, where appropriate, shall precede any action by an Agency which will cause displacement, and should be scoped to the complexity and nature of the anticipated displacing activity including an evaluation of program resources available to carry out timely and orderly relocations. Planning may involve a relocation survey or study, which may include the following:

  • 24.205(a)(1) An estimate of the number of households to be displaced including informatio...
  • 24.205(a)(2) An estimate of the number of comparable replacement dwellings in the area (i...
  • 24.205(a)(3) An estimate of the number, type and size of the businesses, farms, and nonpr...
  • 24.205(a)(4) An estimate of the availability of replacement business sites. When an adequ...
  • 24.205(a)(5) Consideration of any special relocation advisory services that may be necess...